develops innovative management consulting, corporate and business coaching projects by proposing a method that integrates the typical organization of compliance with the evolutionary support for changing the coaching system.

What do organizations need to grow and consolidate continuity? Of well-being, of satisfied people who develop and maintain valuable relationships with their energy, both inside and outside the team. Result? Motivation and skills, precious resources that are concretely translated into profit. If compliance allows the re-engineering of processes, coaching supports change and brings continuous improvement to the relational system. What is the main goal of a leader – person or organization – today?
Building, facilitating, developing an inclusive system based on valuable relationships, both within the company and externally, with its stakeholders, or with the people who can help keep positive energy alive.



Energeticoaching proposes coaching and training projects thinking about organizations and the importance of having people within them who know how to manage people and enhance their energies, even and above all in critical moments.Each project coincides with the analysis and evaluation of the three levels of energy / skills of the system: cognitive, emotional and realization. This awareness represents the starting point in the “HERE and NOW” for the development of the coach – coachee – team relationship. 

In particular, the BIOENERGETIC RELATIONAL COACHING courses and events allow you to build all the skills to become incisive in the organization, changing – if necessary – the sense of the relational system, leading it to have relationships that start from individual awareness (who I am and what I want ), find and maintain a positive rootedness (building instead of limiting / denying) bringing clarity of objectives, rules of the game and required skills. 

EnergetiCoaching in partnership with IAS International Compliance & Coaching Academy, offers in particular a training – experiential COACHING BIOENERGETIC RELATIONAL COURSE certified by the IAS REGISTER in accordance with ISO 17024, the reference standard for the certification of skills. CLICK HERE

It also offers special training for those who deal with compliance and management systems that envisage changes in process and production rules and therefore in corporate behavior: the COMPLIANCE & COACHING 4 CHANGE COURSE

Why an IAS & ENERGETICOACHING Compliance 4 Change project
For at least 3 good reasons:


The technical / compulsory courses also become opportunities for the development of soft skills


The principles of Compliance activate Accountability and Risk Management development processes


TRANSFORMATION. Bring reflection and listening to the organization's CORE values. Change the energy with a "Social Compliance" project, become a confidence catalyst!
The new Compliance is based on and develops the two key principles of the modern organization, namely the Risk Approach and Continuous Improvement. Two principles that, if applied, guarantee business CONTINUITY.
For Energeticoaching, producing trust means continuing to create value. Such as?
Energeticoaching has integrated two methodological approaches into the training, the "frontal" cognitive one and the maieutic one of coaching.
Interactive front exposure
It is an innovative method that leads to the application of PARTICIPATIVE techniques to contents hitherto reserved for theoretical explanation only, and which favors ACCOUNTABILITY in each participant with respect to the SYSTEM OF RULES that the organization decides to adopt. How is it structured in the company?


The 4 Change Compliance path is structured in two phases, which correspond to days conceived and designed to develop knowledge and awareness first and foremost, train and experiment with new role and process contents and finally express them concretely in organizational behaviors that generate trust and of relational continuity.

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