Working under a certified quality regime is by now an inevitable factor in the success of businesses, even as the adoption of management models has been a precise strategic choice of the European Union. In compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, but above all according to the vision introduced by the most extensive and thorough ISO 9004, the organization can provide a management model that leads the organization itself to the continuous improvement of performance and the achievement of overall satisfaction of all stakeholders of business processes (customers, employees, suppliers, owners, etc.).
The IAS Register has extensive experience in the certification of the Quality Management Systems using competent technicians and experts for individual commodity-related sectors.
A focus on the environment is undoubtedly a key point for all companies. Owning a certification according to the ISO 14001 scheme shows that the organization maintains an appropriate management system to monitor the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and constantly seeks to improve in a coherent, effective and above all sustainable manner.
The IAS Register also proposes the ISO 14001 certification scheme for operating with specialists who have extensive experience in the field.
The abbreviation means OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series, and includes a set of rules for the management of Health and Safety in the workplace. The BS OHSAS 18001 standard is a regulation that may be issued a certificate of conformity indicating that the voluntary application of a system that allows you to manage the risk to reduce accidents, complies with legislation and improves the performance on safety. In the latest version of the standard (BS OHSAS 18001: 2007), the focus moves to the management and progressive reduction of risks, therefore on Health rather than on security.
The IAS Register is accredited to issue certificates of conformity to the standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007 in all EA areas.
Using energy more efficiently helps organizations to save money, as well as contributing to the conservation of resources and combating climate change. ISO 50001 helps organizations in all market sectors, to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management system (SGEn).
ISO 50001 is based on a system of continual improvement, also used for other well-known standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. This allows organizations to make the integration of energy management easier in an overall effort to improve its attention with respect to the environment.
This standard provides a set of requirements which permits it to:
Keeping up with the evolution of the regulatory scenario of globalized markets requires organizations to adopt a management approach capable of addressing business risks in an integrated manner. To meet this need, it is possible to request the certification of one’s Corporate Compliance Management System in accordance with the international standard ISO 37301. Compliance certification applies to all organizations, public or private, regardless of the size and type of activity , and fits into a wider regulatory context, which offers the objective bases on which to structure and implement the Governance (ISO 37000), Anti-Bribery (ISO 37001) and Whistleblowing (ISO 37002) systems.
In particular, the ISO 37301 standard uses the term Compliance in various meanings which include compliance with both legal requirements and corporate codes of conduct, referring to:
Compliance Obligations: mandatory requirements, which the organization is obliged to comply with, and voluntary requirements, which the organization chooses to abide by;
Compliance Culture: the values, ethics and behaviors that permeate the organization;
Conduct: behavior or compliance violations that produce consequences on internal or external subjects, as well as on the environment and the organizational context, to the detriment of sustainability.
IAS Register makes use of Auditors and technicians with high and proven experience, so as to help organizations in the correct integrated management of Compliance, which represents an opportunity for sustainable and lasting growth, minimizing the risk of violating the rules, the related costs and damage to image and fueling the trust of interested parties.
Le aziende, al giorno d’oggi, si trovano sempre più spesso ad affrontare e combattere la piaga della corruzione, che rappresenta un elemento negativo, in grado di causare seri danni alla competitività e all’economia dei paesi, alterando la concorrenza, aumentando i costi di interventi, prodotti e servizi a scapito della qualità. Gli effetti negativi della corruzione danneggiano anche le Istituzioni e i cittadini e vanno arginati non solo a livello legislativo.
Un aiuto alle aziende per il contrasto della corruzione, su scala internazionale, viene ora dalla certificazione volontaria del proprio Sistema di Gestione in accordo allo standard ISO 37001 che, adottando la medesima struttura (“High Level Structure”) comune a tutte le altre norme ISO sui sistemi di gestione delle organizzazioni, rende più agevole la sua integrazione con altri standard largamente diffusi, quali ad esempio la ISO 9001.
La ISO 37001, applicabile a qualsiasi organizzazione pubblica o privata, a prescindere dal settore di attività, dimensioni o localizzazione geografica, stabilisce dei requisiti per pianificare, attuare e mantenere un sistema di gestione e controllo dei rischi di corruzione (attiva e passiva), secondo un approccio di promozione di una cultura d’impresa etica, che si articola nelle seguenti fasi:
I requisiti della norma volontaria ISO 37001 non rappresentano quindi una novità in senso assoluto in quanto essi riprendono principi, concetti e, in alcuni casi, anche elementi prescrittivi tipici di sistemi e/o modelli di gestione, controllo e prevenzione dei rischi di corruzione previsti da norme di legge in via obbligatoria o con finalità di prova dell’esimente da responsabilità da reato delle organizzazioni.
IAS Register si avvale di auditor e tecnici (avvocati) a garanzia, per le organizzazioni, di affrontare tale certificazione con serietà e rispetto di tutto il perimetro di Compliance legislativa applicabile al settore di riferimento.
An increasing number of clients require, among the contractual requirements, the certification according to the standards of the ISO 3834 series of welding processes for plant engineering, railway, energy, etc. and in the framework of the European directives PED 97/23/EC, CPD 89/106/EC, SPVD 87/404/EC which is the so-called “Presumption of conformity”. In addition, the final application on Italian territory of the provisions in the Act of D.M. Construction 14/01/2008 requires the certification for businesses according to the standards of the ISO 3834 series of its welding processes for manufacturers that use steel for welded structures in metal structures and composite structures.
The IAS Register makes use of specialists with high and proven expertise in the various welding processes to issue certificates of conformity to the ISO 3834 series standards.
The ISO 2012:2012 specifies requirements for a management system for the sustainability of events, be they individual or related to other activities, providing guidance on compliance with these requirements. The organization of events is considered one of the most useful tools available to marketers and communication firms and the generation of resources and work that revolves around it can have a significant impact, both in terms of the environment, and in economic and social terms.
The application of a sustainable event management system conforming to ISO 20121 leads to the fulfilment of several benefits for the Company, such as:
The IAS Register proposes the regulation certification ISO 20121 to the market, using proven personal experience, ensuring organizations to better address the sustainability of an event during the entire event management cycle itself.
I governi, le autorità stradali, i gruppi di sicurezza e le società private si sono dimostrati interessati a sviluppare uno standard di riferimento per far fronte al numero crescente di morti e infortuni che si verificano ogni anno sulle strade.
In determinate situazioni, inoltre, il contributo dell’impresa può essere di grande valore anche per la sicurezza in strada dei propri Clienti, degli Utenti e della Comunità in generale. Questo è facilmente comprensibile per le imprese del settore delle infrastrutture, dei trasporti o dell’automotive, ma non solo: ogni impresa può contribuire fattivamente al miglioramento della Sicurezza Stradale.
La norma ISO 39001 – Road Traffic Safety Management System definisce i requisiti di un Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza Stradale volto a permettere ad ogni Organizzazione, che in qualche modo interagisce con il sistema stradale, di ridurre morti e infortuni gravi derivanti da collisioni stradali, controllando e gestendo le variabili che sono sotto la propria influenza.
L’adozione di un Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza Stradale secondo la norma ISO 39001 consente ad un’organizzazione di:
IAS Register, tramite il proprio personale, aiuterà le organizzazioni che vorranno approcciare tale certificazione ad adeguarsi alla normativa vigente, a migliorare i loro risultati nella gestione del traffico ed arrivare ad una riduzione di incidenti, sinistri ed ai costi ad essi associati ed a vari benefici economici. Tali benefici si sommeranno a quelli gestionali (con una migliore efficienza aziendale), giuridici (con tutele rafforzate riguardo alla responsabilità di impresa) e di immagine (con un forte riconoscimento di carattere innovativo e di responsabilità sociale da far valere rispetto alla concorrenza).
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