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Products, Processes and Services
(ISO/IEC 17065:2012)

EU Regulations “End of Waste” EU Reg. 333/2011, 1179/2012, 715/2013

The 2008/98/EC Directive addresses and sanctions, for the first time at Community level, the cessation of waste status (End of Waste), indicating four general requirements since the same is no longer considered as such. In particular, the product extracted from waste must:

  • offer a common use for certain specific purposes;
  • have a market or a request;
  • meet the technical requirements for the specific purposes for which it is intended and comply with the existing legislation and standards applicable to products; and
  • not result in by its use of overall negative impacts on the environment or on human health.

The Directive reviews the waste used as feed material to be sent to dedicated facilities (steel mills and foundries). Its specific regulations, published in the Official Gazette, include the following materials:

  • Metals scrap (Reg. 333/2011)
  • Glass (Reg. 1179/2012)
  • Copper (Reg. 715/2013)

The certification of its digestive system by an independent organization, allows the manufacturer / importer to circulate such waste throughout the territory of the ‘European Union and, unlike the management of SRM (secondary raw materials) intended only for the metallurgical industry that the scrap which has ceased to be waste, no longer has any binding destination, by managing on a par with any merchandise.

The conformity assessment is carried out every three years. The IAS Register offers the market its certification services for all the above mentioned Regulations, working with technicians with many years of experience in their respective sectors.

UNI CEI 11352:2014 – Energy Service Company (ESCo)

UNI CEI 11352:2014 “Energy Management – Energy Service Company (ESCo) – General requirements and checklist for verification of prerequisites” is the Italian regulation which stabilizes the minimum requirements for companies that wish to carry out the position of Energy Service Company (ESCo).

A certified ESCo in respect to this standard is able to offer guaranteed contracts of achievement to their clients, being remunerated according to the savings attained. The standard outlines the minimum requirements for energy efficiency services and capabilities (organizational, diagnostic, design, management, financial and economic) that the ESCo must possess in order to be able to offer these activities to its customers, also by assigning a checklist for verification of their abilities.

These types of contracts are becoming increasingly more common both the industrial area and in the civil area because they permit companies to delegate the management of auxiliary systems (boilers, co-generators, inverters, central compressed air units, etc.) to specialists, and also with new financial resources (Financing through Third Parties, White energy efficiency Certificates).

To ensure that ESCo provides effective services to its clients, it is imperative that they act in compliance with the best practices in the industry, possessing all the necessary skills to provide their own activities and configure the services in compliance with specific requirements. Certification in view of the UNI CEI 11352:2014 regulation is a binding requirement for those who wish to offer energy saving services with continuity and long-term.

The IAS Register provides both an initial assessment of the company’s documentation, and the follow up inspection of the site where the energy efficiency measures were implemented in order to verify the supply of the service for the customer.

EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011

EN 1090-1 “Execution of steel and aluminium structures – Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components” is a balanced standard under the EU Regulation no. 305/2011 which describes the requirements and procedures for the affixing of the CE marking of structural steel components and placed on the market as aluminium building products, obligatory in order to ensure the safety and protection of users, in addition to their free circulation and marketing within the European Union.

They are considered as products in structural carpentry for construction for all products whose stated intended use is consistent with the permanent incorporation in construction and contribute to the static stability of structures. The producer based on the intended use of the product is to assess the suitable characteristics for its use. After defining this, the manufacturer must establish a production control at the end of the monitoring and control of the product, which allows it to issue the Declaration of performance resulting CE labelling of the product.

Producers are flanked by a Notified Body, able to carry out certification, testing and verification of constancy of performance of the product. By the application of branding, responsibility will be assumed for the compliance of the product with the declared performance and DOP with all applicable requirements set out in the relevant regulations cited above, the EU Regulation no. 305/2011.

IAS Register, for the provision of this service, makes use of the Tecno Piemonte S.p.A. collaboration, European Notified Body for the Directive 89/106/EEC.

EU Regulation 852/2004 (HACCP)

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, literally Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, and consists of a protocol (or set of procedures) aimed at preventing the dangers of food contamination.

HACCP certification on self-control systems of sanitation aspects can be easily integrated with the ISO 9001 standard. Organizations that wish to implement such a system, have the benefit of the improvement of its image on the market and make the commitment public in the management and prevention of sanitation hazards.

The IAS Register is able to provide a third party certification, making use of highly qualified personnel in the specific agroindustrial sector, ensuring compliance of the system and helping organizations to identify the critical points of the production process. 

UNI 10881:2013 – Residential Care for the elderly

“The Highest state of well-being with respect to the conditions of existing and functional autonomy, with respect to the physical, psychological and social needs”: is defined as the concept of “health” in the new UNI 10881:2013 in terms of residential care for the elderly.

The concept of service does not want to depend only on the quality of staff performance, but also on the quality of organization, i.e. the capability of a structure to guide human activities of each resource, of each role within an organization in a logical manner, with a systematic project and with the knowledge that can produce satisfactory results only in a consistent and finalized action.

Developed by the technical commission Commerce, it applies to residential services for the elderly who pursue welfare or social and health goals, defined in a unified way throughout the national territory, taking into account the obligations imposed by binding regulations.

The requirements are defined  here for the following types of residential accommodation:

  • specialized residence by the gravity of the condition of the elderly (mono-structure)
  • structured residence divided into housing units for the elderly with varying degrees of gravity and requirements (multipurpose facility)

This relates both to structures with high health interventions, which accommodate the non-self-sufficient  elderly and those with geriatric diseases, both in facilities with low health assistance and mainly welfare, which house self-sufficient  senior citizens or semi-self-sufficient.

These structures include institutions for the elderly (former hospice), nursing homes as well as old age homes for the elderly.

The dispensing structure is committed to providing services that promote the rehabilitation or support of the autonomy of the person and ensure the qualitative and quantitative control of the social and health care processes.

The IAS Register proposes, that being a regulation UNI, it has immediate recognition in Italy for the certification in accordance with the 10881 standard. Easy integration with the ISO 9001, a testimony by third parties guarantees  a personalised management system, able to efficiently satisfy user, relative and customer requirements.​

UNI 11034:2003 – Childcare

In recent years, raising the quality standards of services directed to children has been justified as one of the main objectives of the Public Administration in Italy.

In this context, the certification according to the UNI 11034 is a crucial tool to bring forth the quality of services (with a view to specified and communicated levels/standards of quality) provided by companies operating in the field of childcare with children in the age group between 0 and 36 months and between 3 and 6 years old.

This regulation, developed with the primary objective of protecting children and parents of service users, is a useful tool for fostering balanced physical and mental developments of the child and to facilitate the establishment of relations both among children and between children and adults.

To be certificated according to this regulation guarantees the commitment and professional desire of the entire organization, through the adoption of a management system, to aim for the maximum satisfaction of the child’s well-being and the users involved, proposing paths for growth and skilled educational projects.